Could Your Current State of Health Be Due To Old Habits?

I was recently driving with 2 elderly women who were discussing some of their ailments.  One of the women said that she had an autoimmune disease that just popped up.  She had no idea why and how and told me about the medication she was on.  I asked her why she thought that this disease just popped up out of nowhere.  She was very surprised as she told me that she has been eating the same foods for years, gets regular check-ups by her doctor, and takes her meds and vitamins every day.  She did mention she's not as active as she would like to be but still felt that was not the reason for her recent diagnosis.

I don't think diseases 'pop up.'  There is always a root cause for everything that surfaces and, until we investigate something we have been doing over time, we may never know the origin.  Since our bodies have the ability to heal and actually want to heal, it's important to look for some of the reasons why things pop up.  

In all my years of research and education in the holistic health field, here is my list of possible culprits that can make the body turn on itself.

  • Processed Foods - does your diet consist of processed food?  If so, you are eating way too much sugar, unhealthy fats and various chemicals that can cause the body to be in a toxic state.
  • Stress - do you find yourself in a constant state of stress, always thinking about what you haven't done, what you need to do, where you will find the money to get by each month, etc.?
  • Gluten Sensitivity - how does your body react to gluten?  do you know if you have a gluten sensitivity?  If not, get off gluten for 3 weeks and see how you feel.  Then begin to eat gluten and see if there is a difference.  If so, think about getting off gluten for good.
  • Dairy Sensitivity - if you are allergic to dairy, your body will not be able to function correctly and problems may arise.
  • Inactivity - are you sedentary most of the time?  If so, get up and walk!  Walking is critical to good health.  There's no need to work out at a gym and exhaust yourself on a fitness machine.  Simple walking every day will help your circulation and improve your energy level.

Your digestive system is key to a healthy body. Keeping inflammation down by eating more whole foods can really make a difference in your overall health. If you are ingesting too many toxins (whether environmental or through nutrition), stressing out each day, taking antibiotics frequently, not drinking enough water and not moving your body, this can lead to digestive disorders. Autoimmune diseases are a result of a leaky gut which many Americans have today due to everything I mentioned above. Do you see a rise in autoimmune disease?  Hmm.. think DIGESTIVE HEALTH.  

Start to incorporate more organic foods to eliminate the pesticides, find ways to reduce the stress in your life, think WHOLE FOODS by eating more leafy greens, eat fruit as dessert, drink lots of good quality water, move your body and take a very good probiotic to introduce healthy bacteria in your gut.  Ideally, introducing fermented foods into your diet is key to healing the gut.  Click here for my fermented cabbage recipe.  It's economical, easy and YOUR DIGESTIVE SYSTEM WILL THANK YOU!!

xo, C


Is Weight Creeping Up On You As You Age?

Location Location Location

Living in an over 55 complex definitely has its ups and downs.  I remember feeling really down when we first moved in, thinking that somehow I ended up in this 'retirement' village or 'old age community.'  As a matter of fact, my husband, Alan, felt the same way and we ended up putting our condo on the market.  Fast forward 7 years and we've both come to feeling 'okay' with living here.  We love our unit, feel it's home now, take advantage of the workout room, sauna and pool and have met some really nice people.  

Do you think your LOCATION can influence you?  Hmmm.. do you think that hanging out with people who sit most of the day, eat foods that do not facilitate weight loss and complain about getting heavy is good for your health?  I've heard comments such as, "Well at our age, what else is there to do but eat."  Or, "Who wants to sacrifice at this point in our lives."  While Over 55 communities have great gyms, tennis courts, pools, etc. that can help people to stay in shape, the majority of people I witness are sitting most of the day.  The same 4-5 people swim in the indoor pool in the colder months, the same 4-5 people swim in the outdoor pool during the summer months and the same 4-5 people exercise in the gym on a fairly regular basis.  BUT, we have 750 families living here!!!!  That's just crazy!!  

It Gets Harder To Exercise As You Age....

That's just pure nonsense!!  What gets harder is your attitude towards changing your habits and creating healthier ones.  Please don't be stuck in thinking that having a lean body, lots of energy and being in good health is relegated to the younger folks.  YOU can have the body you want and more energy than you had in your 20's!!  

Believe me.. I remember when I started to feel some weight come on and worried that it was THAT time (menopause) when I was going to start gaining more and more weight.  I felt that I really didn't have too much control over it -- that biology had the upper hand and I would have to work out longer and harder to keep my weight (and my emotions) under control.  Actually, I entered IIN at that time (Institute for Integrative Nutrition), did loads and loads of research and came to the realization that I could impact my body and mind without having to workout like crazy and deprive myself of yummy foods.  And, as many of my friends, family and clients know, I DO NOT BELIEVE IN PUTTING ANYONE ON A DIET.  Diets are stressful and we all know that stress contributes to weight gain.

You can feel amazing in your body.  AND, you can increase your energy levels so you can enjoy the next 50 years of your life!  (I'm talking to YOU 50 year olds!!)

The Time Is Now 

Don't wait until chronic illness hits before you decide to make changes.  And, if it does hit, it's still not too late to reverse things.  Our bodies are made to heal given the right information and the specific tools with which to heal it.  

I have helped many of my clients go from OLD to YOUNG.  They only felt old because their bodies were not working to capacity due to not feeding and fueling it properly.

If you need help getting back to feeling amazing after 50, reach out to me as I was there and understand what I needed to bring myself back to a place of good health.

Energetically yours,


Anti-Aging?!! Really?!!

If you have the answer to this, please let me know.  The only way I know to stop aging is to die. I like to think of the aging process as a natural progression of a life, whether it be the life of a tree, an animal or a human.  We all age.  But, how we age is another story.  I'm sure you know a few people who say things like, "Well, at my age...." or "I'm too old for that...."  Yep, we all know someone who has said these things.  I believe if we want to STOP feeling "old," than we need to START acting young.  And, that means getting rid of thinking you're old and begin feeling you're young.  

When we think things, we eventually feel them.  It's the law of attraction, actually.  You know the saying, "Be careful what you think?"  While newspapers, magazines, TV and ads on the sides of buses (have you ever seen one?!!) tell us that old age is not something we want to aspire to and the plethora of photographs of young and beautiful people adorn the covers of magazines, it's time to reclaim your life and LIVE in the moment.  We all know that when our health turns, we then realize how precious life really is.  Why wait until that time.  NOW is the your time.  

Start making a list of everything you want to do and post it on your fridge.  Then take action!  Plan a trip and put down a deposit, join an organization, sign up for a class or learn how to play piano.  Embrace the aging process.  Some people do not get that opportunity.  It's not about all the changes that are not to your liking but more about what you can give to others while you're here.. right now.

Aging is inevitable and also exciting.  How else would we be able to navigate our future if it were not for all the information we gleaned from our experiences.  Only the passage of time teaches us what we need to learn and what new opportunities we may want to explore.  Aging provides wisdom, confidence, playfulness, clarity and freedom.  Freedom to be just who you desire to be.... freedom to love yourself unconditionally.... freedom to keep aging along with the rest of the universe and being okay with that.

How do you feel about aging?  I'd love to hear..

xo, C

Where Does Your Medicine Come From?

I'm sitting here in my warm house, fireplace lit, dog by my side and hubby watching a football game on TV.  Aahh, a perfect Sunday as far as I'm concerned.  I just bottled up a gallon of bone broth which I'm very excited about.  Not sure if you realize how healing bone broth is.  Well, all I can say is that it's filled with immune-boosting properties and can really help stave off those nasty winter colds and flus.  See my recipe below.

I've been reading The New Holistic Herbal by David Hoffman and thought about the word 'medicine.'  There was a time when medicine came from the earth -- plants, flowers, trees, etc.  Today we think of medicine as drugs that we buy at the local pharmacy.  Many of the drugs on the market today have their origin in plant material, although that is quickly changing.  According to David Hoffman, only since the refinement of chemical technology and developments in chemotherapy has the use of herbs apparently diminished.  

It's sad to realize that we rely on chemists to put together a concoction of chemicals and call it medicine.  Don't get me wrong.. many medicines do help many people but there are also many more that do more harm than good.  We all know that some drugs heal one thing and cause another ailment to pop up.  And, what about all the drug commercials on TV?  Are they scary or what?  They talk for for 60 seconds on the benefits of the drug and then they spend 2 minutes on the possible side effects, including death!  Yikes!  That, to me, is not something I feel is going to heal my body.  I'd much rather rely on Mother Nature since she has been here a lot longer than the drug companies, the chemists, etc.  

That being said, plant material has potent healing qualities and has been used throughout history.  All essential oils are antiseptics and when applied topically, they eventually show up in the urinary system, the lungs and even in your sweat and saliva.  According the David Hoffman, besides their direct antiseptic action, they also stimulate the production of white blood cells, thereby augmenting the body's own natural defense system.  They aid digestion by stimulating the lining of the colon.  Essential oils also act on the central nervous system and produce either relaxation (Blue Tansy) or stimulation (Peppermint).. All tend to induce a state of inner ease and well-being.

Are you interested in learning more about the health benefits of essential oils.  Contact me for a 30-minute free consultation and see how these therapeutic oils can support you and your family on your healthy journey.

Bone Broth


1 lb-2 lbs bones from pastured animals (chicken feet/necks or beef bones knuckles are best)
4 cloves organic garlic
1-2 gallons filtered water
Sea salt and pepper to taste
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

other vegetables (optional, can make it bitter )

other herbs (optional)


1.    Put all ingredients in slow cooker overnight or longer and set to low (8-24 hours).

2.    In the morning, strain broth and refrigerate in separate glass containers.

3.    Once it is chilled remove the fat and save it other uses.

4.    Drink the broth or use it for a base for soup.

Bone broths provide important minerals and vitamins that we need to cope with stress in our daily lives. It is an inexpensive way to get minerals and vitamins without taking supplements, which sometimes are not absorbed by the body when isolated from foods in supplements. Broth also fights wrinkles, cellulite and is good for loose skin after weight loss. Another benefit of broth is that it heals the digestive tract (gut lining) because it is full of amino acids. 

You can put veggies or herbs but sometimes they turn bitter when cooked for a long time. I would use the broth made here to make other soups later where you add more veggies, grass fed meats and herbs. This slow cooking recipe is aimed at getting the most minerals out of the bones to heal your body.


Essential Oil-ista!

Some Things Never Change..

During my Wannabe Hippie days - circa 1970 to be exact - I used to wear lots of different essential oils.. some single oils as well as blended ones.  Fast forward some 40 years later and who knew that I would be starting a healthy body care company with my daughter, Shayna, incorporating essential oils that are close to my heart.  

I knew that the oils and body care products I would create would have Patchouli, Vetiver and Ylang Ylang in them.  How could they not?  After all, these were my favorites when I was at a time in my life when every day was exciting and I was venturing out on my own, renting my own apartment away from my home town and creating a life that I loved.  

Life is funny like that.  We never know what lies around the corner for us.  I say this with some humor because I do not think our life is lying around waiting for us.  I know that we must create the life we want.  We must have a vision and see ourselves doing what we love to do.  While I spent many years in corporate America, I always knew I was destined for a different career.  I felt that I wasn't going out of this life having been confined to an office job for 30+ years.  I knew there was more and I decided to make it happen.

Charshay Essentials will be launching its essential oil blends and essential oil mists in November and we couldn't be happier.  We will be adding to our line various body butters and roll-ons using the essential oils that we love.  Our company mission is to provide our clients with the finest body care products using quality, therapeutic and organic/wild crafted essential oils that promote stimulation, relaxation and balance.

Please be on the lookout for our launch promo that we will be offering you soon.

Essentially yours,



Wish You Could Sleep Like You Did As A Teenager? Unplugging May Help You!

Do you find it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep?  Getting good sleep is so important for overall health.  When we're asleep, our bodies are busy doing lots of things.  This is the time the body is repairing and detoxing.  Every tissue in the body is renewed faster during sleep than at any other time.  So, it makes sense that good sleep is something we need to get more of.

Have you noticed how many sleep clinics there are these days?  Is there something going on with people's sleep patterns?  

Several of my clients have difficulty falling and staying asleep.   One of them (well, he's not actually a client -- he's my husband!) is the reason I began researching the importance of sleep on good health as well as the detriments of not getting enough sleep.  What I have found is that we could be doing things better to promote a good night's sleep.  

Here are a few of the things you might want to consider to help insure quality sleep:

  1. Make sure the room you sleep in is dark.  Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland (located in the brain) and is responsible for helping us to fall asleep and stay asleep.  It is secreted into the bloodstream and is highest at night. So, if there is any light coming through your windows, buy "black-out" shades.  We actually put them over our window treatment! If this is not an option, wear an eye mask.  Make sure you try it on first to make sure it's comfortable. 
  2. Relax before bed.  If something is bothering you, think about ways to relieve the stress before you get into bed.  Cortisol is the hormone produced by the adrenal glands and is definitely beneficial when we need it -- which is not at night!  Cortisol is produced in response to stress.  Cortisol levels should be lowest at night so we are able to enjoy better sleep.
  3. Keep the lights dim.  Studies show that exposure to dim light before bed has much less impact on melatonin levels than regular room light, which can shorten melatonin secretion by 90 minutes in 99% of people (Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism). 
  4. Reduce the amount of electromagnetic radiation in your bedroom.  Think about TV, clock, radio, etc.  Remember the old fashioned battery operated clock?  Do you really need another TV in the bedroom?  Keep your cell phone in another room.   If you want your electronic devices in your bedroom, try unplugging them at night.  It just might help you to sleep a little better.
  5. Soak in a hot tub. Combine 1/2 cup Epsom salts with a few drops of Time To Relax essential oil blend in hot water and soak for 20 minutes. Everything feels calmer when you step out of the tub.

And, of course, exercise and eating nutrient-dense foods play a major role in getting a good night's sleep.


How Stable Are You?... Physically Speaking

While we all know how important it is to move our bodies, many of us have become more sedentary as we age due to an office job where we sit most of the day, time spent on the computer, time spent watching TV, and just not carving out the time for our health.  My idea of exercise these days has changed from years past.  I no longer feel the need or desire to do intense cardio for 30 - 45 minutes every day.  I must admit, walking and stretching each day have provided me with more flexibility and a positive attitude.  Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi are my new favorites in terms of giving me the confidence in knowing that my body is becoming younger every day.  

Make Gravity Your Friend

While gravity tends to pull things downward, which is not always great for certain body parts, we can use this force to our benefit. Here are a few ways to do this:

  • Stand up from a chair a few times a day; do you use your arms to help you up
  • Take your time in sitting down - go very slowly, resisting gravity
  • When you bend down to pick something up, bend your knees and rise up slowly
  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator - especially going down the stairs

Make stretching a big part of your exercise routine.  If you can't get to a gym or a yoga/Pilates class, do some stretching at home. One important thing you can do is stretch before you get out of the bed in the morning.  When babies wake up, the first thing they do is stretch.  Dogs and cats do the same thing.  We have forgotten this important part of staying healthy!  Instead, we jump out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off.  Remember, as you age, your muscles tighten and the range of motion in your joints diminishes. Also, when you stretch, make it last -- extend the stretch and hold it for at least 30 seconds -- no bouncing.

Don't Become Like the Tin Man from The Wizard of Oz

You remember how he couldn't move when he stayed in one position for too long?  Well, don't let that happen to you.  Continue to move your body in ways that honor how you feel each day.   Functional activities like gardening, house cleaning, grocery shopping, etc., are all ways to move your body.  If you want to sit to watch a movie, keep your water bottle (or popcorn!) in the next room so you have to get up to get them.  

What is your favorite way to exercise?




Want To Relieve Anxiety? Try This Essential Oil!

At the end of a yoga class the other day, the instructor came over to me during Shavasana to help with my relaxation and the smell of lavender on her hands made me think about how much I love this herb.  I also remembered that I bought a lavender plant years back because I loved the beautiful purple flowers and the wonderful scent.  I actually felt a sense of calm and inner peace.  

As the Founder of Charshay Essentials, I have been experimenting with various blends and am always drawn to the scent of lavender.  I began to research this herb and found out that lavender was traditionally used for medicinal purposes.  According to Smiljka Kitanovia, Ph.D., scientists report that inhalation of lavender oil reduces anxiety in patients about to undergo operations.   It seems that lavender decreases levels of cortisol (the stress hormone).  

Scientists in the UK performed a small study of nursing home residents diagnosed with dementia.  They had them inhale lavender one day and water vapor another day and found that 60% of them were calmer on the days they inhaled the lavender.  

Although I have been told you can take essential oils orally, I feel it's best to either diffuse or inhale them.  We at Charshay Essentials created 3 blends that can be applied topically as well as diffused or inhaled.  We are in the midst of creating our 4th blend using lavender essential oil and will have it on our website in the next few weeks.  As we are a mom and daughter team, we take our time coming up with various blends using essential oils that we feel elicit certain emotions.  And, we know that what and how we feel emotionally can translate to how healthy we are.

So, whatever your preference of essential oils, make sure you have lavender on hand for those days when you're wanting to feel calm and relaxed.  

If You Have Lower Back Pain, Here Are 3 Simple Solutions.. Plus 1 Good Exercise!

As a Pilates teacher, I am hearing a lot about low back issues with many of the women in my classes.  While there are several exercises you can do to alleviate low back pain, there are also some things that are even simpler that you might not realize can make a big difference in easing the pain.

  1. Make sure you check your Vitamin D level and if it's low, get a good source of this essential vitamin.  Especially now that the sun is not as strong (at least on the east coast), Vitamin D is needed more than ever.  Heike Bischoff-Ferrari, MD, University Hospital in Zurich, and others have made the case that weak muscles lead to falls and broken bones.  Vitamin D is needed for normal muscle production and strength, and a lack of the vitamin leads to muscle weakness.

  2. Be aware of your posture.  If you sit in a chair for long hours during the day, make sure your abs are sucked in, your pelvic is tucked slightly, your spine is stacked straight with your ears over your shoulders and your shoulder blades drawing down the back.  

  3. Check your stress level - as we all know, stress can cause lots of physical ailments.  If you find your lower back is aching, check in with what's going on in your life and see where you can possibly 'let go' of things you cannot control.  Try deep belly breathing to help eliminate stress.

A Great Foundation-building Exercise:  

Lie on your back with your knees bent and both feet planted on the floor. Feel equal weight on the back of each side of the pelvis. Engage the abdominals and hover one foot off the floor without changing what happens to the back of your body. Keep the back of the body stable and still. Do the same with the other foot.

Imagine that you have a hot bowl of soup on your belly and don’t spill it as the legs move.

Hot Tip:  To advance the Marching, move the leg from the hip while keeping the same angle of the leg as you lower and lift it. When you’ve become confident in the larger motion of the leg, you can begin to scissor the legs past one another.


How to Shop for Groceries in a Healthy Way

It can be very daunting trying to find healthy food at some of the major supermarkets today.  As healthy food shopping is at the top of my list, my weekly trip to the farmer's market or the local farm stand is something I am so grateful for; but, there are many times I just want to go to my local supermarket and pick up some organic vegetables and some crispy crackers.  Do you ever walk by the organic produce section of your local supermarket?  Do you wonder why the veggies look wilted and old when the regular produce looks healthy and is usually being sprayed with water?  Yep.. this can be a problem when you're looking to make things easier by shopping locally AND staying healthy.  Also, when you walk down the crackers/chips aisle, do you find yourself stumped as to which box or bag to pick up?  Here are my top 4 tips for keeping it simple and healthy:

  1. If you just can't pick up the wilted spinach, chard or kale, buy yourself some non-organic ones that look fresh.  After all, it's better to eat greens than to forfeit them altogether because they're not organic.  Many supermarkets sell the boxed or bagged veggies that ARE organic.  Sometimes you will find bagged organic carrots and celery.  
  2. When traveling down the crackers/chips aisle, READ INGREDIENTS!  Never purchase anything that contains partially hydrogenated oils.  This is a trans fat and should never enter your body!  Also, try to swap out the white flour and canola oil for something that contains olive oil, coconut oil, quinoa or brown rice.  My 2 favorites are Mary's Gone Crackers Super Seed crackers and Garden of Eatin' Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips.  As with any chips or crackers, keep them at a minimum. 
  3. Shop the periphery of the supermarket.  This is where you will find mostly "whole" foods.
  4. Keep it Simple and Keep it Whole:  Look for no more than 5 ingredients in your crackers and chips and no more than 1 ingredient in your fruits and vegetables.

Happy Healthy Shopping!

Are You Really Happy?

Have you ever questioned if you're truly happy?  Do you know what being or feeling happy would even look like?  Do you pretend to be happy around others while you're feeling just the opposite on the inside?  Do you know what you need to be truly happy?  

I read lots of self-help books and am always searching for the tools to uncover my inner self -- to get to what every books calls "the authentic self."  I feel that's when real happiness will reveal itself.  With so much chatter in my head, I wonder if I will even hear or recognize my authentic self?  Is a lot of what you think based on external forces -- your environment, family, friends, career? Do you base your success or failure on societal pressures?  As Vernon Howard (The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power) points out.. "We live in two worlds -- the material world of business and homes, and the spiritual world."  Keep each of these worlds in its place.  If you think your success in the material world will help you find your true self, you will be disappointed and fall into depression.  

These are things I've been thinking about (maybe thinking is part of the dilemma) and that I need to quiet my mind more.  I'm realizing it's not in the "searching" but in the internal witnessing.  Rather than "trying" to become more knowledgeable, which can be exhausting, let the simple pleasures of everyday life be your teacher.  As Vernon Howard also states, "Mere knowledge is not enough.  It must form a foundation for personal perception.  Knowledge without insight is like a horse in a library.  Look for more self-insight in the little things that happen to you every day.  Ask why you reacted as you did to that unexpected news.  Try to understand why you replied the way you did to a question.  Be aware of the disappointment you feel when a hoped for event fails to appear.  Waste nothing that happens to you.  Don't resist anything; just observe it."  I love that!  Kind of a "self-inquiry," a "getting to know" your true self.  

I was very saddened, as most of the world was, of the passing of Robin Williams.  He was an incredibly talented person who seemed to have it all -- fame, money, family, genius.. only to lose his life to the utmost act of despair.  Being the same age as Robin Williams, I thought about how the passage of time had not brought him some peace as it has for me.  I imagine the addictions played a big part in that.  When does that time come when you realize that external forces can no longer dictate your happiness?.. that judgements made against you no longer hold up?  When do you come to know that childhood insecurities, criticism, and all the negative forces that eat away at your soul are not who you are?.. when do you let go of the demons and see the beautiful spirit that you are?..  You can learn and grow from everything that blocks you from being happy and not carry them with you.  How freeing it must be to know you are okay just as you are.  Your true self has nothing to do with anything outside of you. You are always a bright light inside - you just have to open your eyes and awaken to see it.  

My Recipe For Happiness

  • Follow your heart
  • Don't be afraid of the truth
  • Don't react to your feelings but be a witness to them
  • You have the power of choice
  • Let nothing stand in your way
  • Wake up



My New Title - Entrepreneur!

I still find it hard to say the word - Entrepreneur.. It must be due to the 30+ years working under an executive team in the corporate world.  I was always a soldier, accepting orders and carrying them out.  Oh, that's nothing to be ashamed about or, for that matter, there's nothing not to like about it.  In some ways, it helps with the sleepless nights, worrying about how you're going to make things happen so you can pay the bills or being too excited because of all the wonderful balls you have in the air and how much time you can devote to each one.  

Going back to what I like to talk about which is 'living in the moment' and being grateful is always applicable in our daily lives. Whether you're a janitor, a delivery man, a postal worker, the CEO of your company or an entrepreneur, there is always going to be times when you're going to have to put on the brakes and be grateful for what you have.  There is no perfect anything in this life. What's perfect is how we view what we have.  If we are not happy with what we're doing, we have the choice to change it or change the way we feel about it.  It's being in the moment with what you're doing that is going to fuel your wellbeing.  

Are you grateful for where you are in your life?  Are you searching for more meaning and a sense of purpose?  Do you look at life in a positive way or do you see the negative in many situations?  We all know the saying, "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  How profound is that statement?  It's a simple phrase that requires a certain mindset.  What will you make of your life today?  Remember, it may be cloudy out today but the sun is always shining.

My Morning Juice 

(There's nothing like going to the farmer's market on a Sunday morning and stocking up on some healthy fruits and veggies - you just can't get the wild greens in the supermarket and these are some of the healthiest foods to bring into your body)

  • celery
  • lemon, small slice
  • ginger, thin slice
  • carrot
  • wild spinach
  • cucumber, half (no need to peel if it's organic)
  • small red beet


I spent many hours yesterday talking, laughing and catching up with my childhood friends.  What an amazing day it was.. reminiscing about times and events gone by and reliving those moments for the few seconds or minutes when the memory was vivid in my mind.  Life was simpler back then and oh so innocent.  Yes, the 60's were a very special time.  Did I know it then?  Hmm.. probably not.  But, what came to me yesterday was the happiness, the playfulness and the strong friendships we shared that made those years the collection of stories that I have woven together in my mind's journal.  Oh, and what stories we have!  

On my drive back home, I thought about how I felt sitting at the dining room table with all my friends around me.  I felt a sense of belonging, a certain warmth that comes when you're snuggled underneath a cozy blanket on a cold winter day.  I felt that time was suspended.. that I was there with them and it was 1964.  The only thing that was different was the reality that we were older (although everyone looked the same as they did back then) and at a point in our lives where we were making decisions based on our own well being.  We were no longer letting others control us or feeling we had to put controls on ourselves in order to please those around us.  We felt uplifted and happy.  We are doing what we enjoy doing at this phase of our lives.  We talked about the innocence of not being in touch with who we were back then, not having our unique voices, and about the excitement and freedom of coming into our own -- all at different points in time over the years.

Here is the perfect example of what I tell my clients -- your Primary Foods (those things that nourish us on a cellular and emotional level) are those 'foods' in life that don't sit on a plate; they are the people we love, the smiles we share, the joy we feel and the gifts we give to each other.  That's what life is about.  

Thank you Laura, Anne, Lucille and Sharon for giving me the opportunity to go back in time and feel like a kid all over again.  Oh, yes.. the days when life was simple.  


Is Inflammation Causing You To Age Quicker? My Top 5 Anti-Inflammatory Suggestions.

We hear a lot about silent inflammation and the damage that it does to our health, but do we know exactly how it starts?  I'm going to simplify what causes inflammation, what foods to eat that quell it and how to prevent chronic illness going forward.

Here are some of the causes of inflammation:

  • Eating processed foods - anything with more than 1 ingredient (sometimes 3-5 are okay).
  • Partially hydrogenated/hydrogenated or Trans Fats - found in margarine, shortening and many pies, cookies and baked goods from the supermarket.
  • Fried foods.
  • Sugar and White Flour - Since sugar is addictive, Americans are eating more than ever.  While you don't have to eliminate all sweets from your diet, cutting back will definitely help.  Also, think "fruits" when you want to satisfy your sweet tooth. 
  • Gluten - Since wheat has changed from years ago, many people have a sensitivity to gluten which can cause lots of problems.
  • Artificial Sweeteners/Flavorings.
  • Food Additives such as colorings, preservatives, etc.
  • Dairy (today's dairy products are filled with hormones, antibiotics and many other ingredients you want to stay away from).
  • Toxins - these can be the chemicals in the food you eat, the creams and lotions you put on your body or environmental toxins.
  • Stress - A research team led by Carnegie Mellon University's Sheldon Cohen has found that chronic psychological stress is associated with the body losing its ability to regulate the inflammatory response.

Since chronic inflammation is the root cause of many illnesses, here are my 5 picks for foods you might want to include in your diet:

  1. Tumeric - An overview published in Advanced Experimental Medical Biology in 2007 states that, "Curcumin has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, anti fungal and anticancer activities.  U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health say: "Laboratory and animal research have demonstrated anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anticancer properties of turmeric and its constituent curcumin."
  2. Fermented Foods - These foods help strengthen our immune system and help control infections that are often the underlying causes of inflammation.  (Check out my recipe for a great fermented cabbage!)
  3. Omega 3 Fatty Acids - Wild-caught salmon, sardines, cod, flax seeds, hemp seeds/oil and flax oil are great foods to bring down inflammation which can be caused by too much Omega 6 fatty acids which are found in vegetable oils.
  4. Onions & Garlic - According to Dr. Joel Fuhrman, onions, garlic, and their family members also contain flavonoids and phenols. White onions are not as rich in these antioxidant compounds as yellow and red, and shallots are especially high in polyphenol levels. Red onions are particularly rich in anthocyanins (also abundant in berries) and quercetin.  Flavonoids such as quercetin can contribute to preventing damaged cells from advancing to cancer, and also have anti-inflammatory effects that may contribute to cancer prevention.
  5. Exercise - As exercise can reduce stress and stress is one factor that can contribute to inflammation, it just makes sense to incorporate movement into your daily life.  According to the Journal on Epidemiology, physical activity may lower the risk for coronary heart disease by mitigating inflammation, which plays a key role in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. 

We all know that there's no bypassing the aging process, but there are definite ways to slow it down and to feel energetic and happy in the journey.  Incorporating some healthy foods into your current diet and implementing an exercise program can be just the necessary tools to keep you looking and feeling younger going forward.  

Last but not least, think about MEDITATION!  Meditation may promote telomere health. Telomeres are the protective ends of chromosomes, and are linked to longevity. Using this as a model, researchers are testing further connections between meditation and longevity relationships. (Ibid).  HOW COOL IS THAT?!!



5 Tips on Looking Youthful as you Age

I remember when Botox was a fairly uncommon procedure; and, now, I see Botox signs all over the place.  While I don't have any issues with people wanting to look as good as they can, I do think there are other ways to get access to not only looking more youthful but feeling younger as well - and, they don't require drugs or needles.

Two of the processes that will make you age faster and are also linked to many diseases are INFLAMMATION and OXIDATION. Inflammation is your body's defense mechanism to the presence of a dangerous substance in your body.  This immune system response is life saving but also has terrible side effects on your skin by creating free radicals (also called oxidation) that accelerate the aging process.

Free Radical triggers in your diet are....

  • processed foods
  • hydrogenated oils
  • refined flour
  • artificial chemicals
  • sugar

5 Ways to Help Maintain Beauty (inside & out)....

  1. Fats - Plant fats contain many oils that are favorable to our appearance.  Avocado, olives, raw nuts, certain raw seeds, coconut oil are so good for the skin.  Raw or cold-pressed fats and oils are one of the best foods to include in our diet because they beautify the skin, lubricate the joints and intestines and strengthen cell membranes. 
  2. Greens - Leafy greens such as chard, kale, spinach, dandelion, etc. are filled with chlorophyll.  Chlorophyll is a blood cleanser, blood builder and oxygen booster.  It helps our bodies fight off disease, strengthen our immune system and enhances overall energy level and wellbeing.  
  3. Water - The first step in getting the body chemistry in proper order is to become well hydrated.  Water carries nutrients to every cell and flushes out many toxins.  A large percentage of the population is chronically dehydrated which can lead to premature aging.  Proper hydration keeps our skin (our largest organ) healthy.
  4. Get Moving - People need to exercise.  Our bodies thrive on movement and quickly degenerate without it.  The challenge is to find the type of exercise you enjoy most.  Physical activity can be simple.. like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, taking a brisk walk, or riding a bike.  It doesn't have to be done in a gym!  Even just 10-15 minutes a day is enough.

  5. Smile - I know I say "smile" a lot lately in various blog posts, newsletters, etc.  According to Patt Lind-Kyle, inside your head your brain's neuronal signals travel towards your smiling muscles and moves them to form a smile.  The next thing occurring is that there is a positive signal feedback loop back to your brain.  This loop creates a feeling of joy as your smile stimulates the brain's reward center in a way that chocolate can't even match.  In short, our brain tells us to smile, we smile, and the smile muscles tell our brain this is a wonderful feeling and so it continues as long as you keep smiling.  How cool is that?!!

In my opinion, beauty is not something you go out and get.... it's something you earn by taking care of what's inside of you.  And, that means not only eating really good food that feeds your cells but being grateful and happy with many aspects of your life -- from your job, your spiritual connection, your exercise program, your spouse and your friends.  Find those things that nourish your soul and you will find the keys to real beauty, whatever your age.








60 Something ~ the New 40!! or Possibly the New 30!

I was in the midst of my workout today when it dawned on me that I feel better now in my early 60′s than I did at probably any other time in my life!  I was wondering why that is and I came to the conclusion that I am finally doing what I really enjoy doing for the first time ever as an adult.  I am spending time with my husband, who has been retired for the past five years while I worked full-time, I am working out each day knowing I don’t have to watch the clock, and I am feeling so grateful just being able to do what I choose to do each morning I wake up.

It’s really crazy when I think that I was “stuck” in a job for years just going through the motions, never feeling like I was doing what I was happy doing, settling into the mindset that I would not leave and not taking any action to create a new life. Obviously, I was not “stuck” literally — but, emotionally I created that story for myself.  My story was that I had to stay doing what I did not like to do until I reached retirement age — what??  What does that even mean?  Oh.. I guess it means I work until I can collect social security and then be able to create the life I really want.  NO!  My story was all wrong!  Who was I kidding?!  Why was I living a life that was not healthy for me — a life that was not serving my highest self.  I am grateful I am no longer in that job and have some space to carve out a new path.

I have always made “money” a very important factor in all my decisions.  I always felt I never had enough.  I did a lot of work trying to understand why money was always an issue for me.  I meditated on it for quite some time and realize now that it was not so much about money but about my attachment to it that kept me a prisoner of a life I wasn’t happy living.  Once I shifted my thoughts and feelings around money, I felt incredibly liberated.

Is there anywhere you feel stuck in your life?

Aging with Ease & Grace

Do you wonder from time to time how you'll look when you reach 70?  or 75?  Do you think about how your health will hold up? Many women worry about getting older.  If you haven't given this any thought, good for you!!  You're probably doing just fine.  On the other hand, if these thoughts have passed through your mind, you're also doing fine.... you just may be a little curious, wondering how you can possibly impact how your life will unfold.

We all know how important our mind-set is in terms of our overall health.  There have been many studies done on individuals with a positive attitude and how that translates to overall good health.  So, how can we develop a healthy attitude as we get older?  Here are some of my thoughts about that....

  • Feed Your Mind - Everything you eat becomes YOU.  Eating lots of vegetables and some fruit as well as good quality protein and healthy fats is vital for overall good health.  Eating foods of various colors is important for bringing in those antioxidants which clean up those free radicals.  And, free radicals damage your cells and accelerate the aging process.     Eating Smart = Thinking Smart!  
  • Keep Hydrated - Water is key to healthy skin and a healthy body.  You should drink half your weight in ounces of water.  Ex:  120 lbs. = 60 oz. of water.  
  • Eat Healthy Fats - Many of my women clients tell me how they were told to stay away from fats because they are not good for them.  This couldn't be farther from the truth.  Healthy fats are ESSENTIAL for good health.  And, our brain needs fat!  Some good sources are grass-fed butter, ghee, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil and avocados.
  • Exercise - You've heard the term, "Use it or Lose it?"  Well, when we're inactive or have succumbed to couch potato status, our muscles begin to weaken causing us to feel lethargic and tired.  According to Mark from Mark's Daily Apple, the human body is designed to conserve precious energy.  If you are sedentary, you are sending a clear message to your cells (e.g., your muscles, bones and brain) that they aren't necessary.  Your muscles weaken, your bones shed their valuable osseous material - thereby even your mental capacity begins to slowly deteriorate.

  • Manage Stress - While stress can help us in emergency situations with the release of cortisol, it does not help us when we are chronically stressed.  Chronic stress ages us!  Do whatever it takes to reduce your stress, whether that means getting rid of toxic relationships, getting off a junk-food diet, quitting smoking or exercising more.  

  • Get Good Sleep - I often talk about sleep because I feel it's one of the most important components to good health.  Sleep is crucial for cell repair and regeneration.  Try to get 7-8 hours each night.  Everything feels better when you get a good night's sleep.

  • Think Like a Child - Remember the fun you had as a child?  Even if you were playing by yourself in the dirt or in your room, you were most likely very happy.  I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "You're as young as you feel."  I like to think, "You're as young as you tell yourself."  If you're always complaining about being tired or sick, then you're "tired and sick." Train yourself to think positive thoughts.  This is YOUR life.. You've earned the privilege to live it with joy and happiness.  


Why I Love What I Do

There's nothing like "human connection."  In this day and age of electronic devices, I feel we need to connect even more than ever to other people, either in person or on the phone.  Texting and emailing are great ways to communicate, but we're missing a vital piece of what brings us joy and happiness -- physical connection to others.

Word got around my condo development that I am a health coach and I was asked to speak at a "single's club" meeting this evening on anything I felt the people would like to know about.  I chose SUGAR as I have talked to many people in my building who have a hard time staying away from many of the sugary foods they know they would do best to avoid.

I was warned prior to the meeting that many times when they have a speaker, the women sometimes talk to each other during the speech and at times walk out in the midst.  I had no idea what to expect since I know that sugar can be a topic that does not resonate well with people who love their sweets.

The meeting was attended by roughly 25 women and, I must say, everyone was engaged and very interested.  I spoke for 1-1/2 hours and then the questions starting coming in fast and furious.  I was shocked to see that the women were receptive to what I had to say.  The "thank you's" were heartwarming and I feel I helped educate them on the effects of a diet high in sugar and carbs. 

But, one of the best thing that came from the workshop was when a woman came up to me at the end of the evening and told me she has Type 2 Diabetes and wants to work with someone who will hold her accountable and support her as she makes small but manageable changes in her diet and lifestyle.  I saw in her face that she felt she could trust me and knew I would hold her hand through the process.  Looking into her eyes and connecting to her at that moment made me realize that a large part of our health is feeling connected to others.  

So, getting back to why I love what I do.... it's connecting with people one on one or in a group and making eye contact and feeling a sense of oneness.. a sense that we're all on this journey together and that it's the physical connection of sharing and trusting that brings us to a higher level.  

Who will you connect with today?



4 Ingredients for Relieving Anxiety....

I'm not sure if you feel the same way, but I am so grateful that spring is here - regardless of the temperature hovering in the 40's to 50's.  It has been a long, cold winter and although I usually enjoy the change of seasons, this was one winter that didn't end soon enough for me.  

Spring always brings up such happy feelings -- as well as grateful ones.  I am blessed that my family is healthy and everyone seems to be doing well.  My friends are priceless -- always ready to give me such great support and lots of love.  My husband and I have lots more time together which is new to us since I am no longer working for someone else and out of the house from 8-6.  We absolutely love spending this time together and doing all the things we used to say we would do "someday."  Somehow, "someday" never comes until you realize that "today" is that someday.  So, in the spirit of living in the present moment, here are my healthy tips for enjoying yourself right now....


Belly breathing is FREE!  And, it one of the most important things you can do for your health.  It can be done right when you get out of bed in the morning, in the car on your way to work or even at work.  This type of breathing slows the heartbeat and can lower or stabilize blood pressure. Here's how to do it....

  • exhale first; breathe in through your nostrils, letting your belly expand for a count of 5; hold your breath for a count of 7 and exhale for a count of 8 or 9.  It's that simple and is so important for all body functions.  
  • remember to relax the belly so that each inhalation expands it fully.

Think Positive Thoughts

Again, this is FREE!  But, how many of us tend to focus on what's NOT going right instead of being grateful for this very moment?  When you find yourself thinking of something that does not make you feel happy, take notice and shift your thoughts to something that does elicit those happy feelings.  Just like a muscle that needs exercise, our attention to negative thoughts and shifting them to positive ones is an exercise we need to repeat - over and over until we begin to focus more on what makes us smile.


Yep!.. you got it!!  It's FREE!  I have incorporated meditation into my life -- although not every day (something I'm still working on).  I went to a Zen Meditation Group one Sunday morning and actually learned how to meditate (there is a little technique that helps you stay present).  Sitting in silence can bring mental clarity to oneself.  I know this is something I definitely need.. well, I suppose we all do since our minds are always wandering and the endless chatter never ceases.  

A University of Utah study found that mindfulness training can not only help us better control our emotions and moods, but it can also help us sleep better at night.  People who reported higher levels of mindfulness described better control over their emotions and behaviors during the day.


Again, FREE!  According to Forbes, we think of our face as reflecting our internal emotions, but that linkage works both ways – we can change our emotional state by altering our facial expression! Pasting a smile on your face, even if you are consciously faking it, can improve your mood and reduce stress.

Some of the earliest work in the area was done by psychologist and “facial coding” expert Paul Ekman. While experimenting with negative facial expressions like frowns, Ekman found that his mood seemed to be altered. In 1990, Ekman’s research on other subjects showed that adopting a “Duchenne smile” – a full smile that involves facial muscles around the eyes – produced a change in brain activity that corresponded with a happier mood.

Happy Spring!!!!


Could That One Thing You Do Every Morning Be Harming or Helping You?

Aahh.. can’t you just taste it?  I am a BIG fan of my morning coffee.  As a health coach, I have heard everything from, “Coffee is good for your health,” to “Coffee can wreak havoc on your health.”  Hmm.. what are we to believe?  Well, here’s where our “primary” foods come into play.  By “primary”, I mean those foods or experiences in life that truly nourish us and make us happy.  What better way to achieve good health than through a happy mind?  I don’t know about you but I feel really happy when I take that first sip of coffee.  But, I also know that there are some harmful effects of drinking "too much" coffee also.  

I know coffee isn't for everyone.  Some people experience a "wired" feeling and just feel like everything in racing.  That might  be reason to think about "how much coffee you're drinking" or "how strong the coffee beans are."  

So, let's take a look at some of the "pros" and "cons" of our morning ritual.... 


  • Coffee is a plant, high in antioxidants, which come from the naturally occurring phytochemicals found in the beans.  Antioxidants protect our cells from damage from those pesky free radicals;

  • According the Harvard Health Publications, coffee may improve cognitive function as we age;

  • Research over the past few years suggests that coffee consumption may protect against type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver cancer, and liver cirrhosis. According to Dr. Rob van Dam, Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, people who regularly drank coffee actually had a somewhat lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease than those who rarely drank coffee; this result needs to be confirmed in further studies, however. 


  • According to the latest research regarding pregnant women, it seems prudent to reduce coffee consumption to a low level, for example one cup per day.  Caffeine goes through the placenta and reaches the fetus, and the fetus is very sensitive to caffeine; it metabolizes it very slowly. 
  • Even given the fact that coffee is high in antioxidants, drinking too many cups per day may increase the risk of wrinkling the skin since it is dehydrating.  Try drinking water along with your cup'o Joe.
  • Caffeine can contribute to fluctuations in blood sugar which can result in cravings that may cause weight gain.
  • According to Dr. Mark Hyman, habituation to caffeine decreases insulin sensitivity, making it difficult for your cells to respond appropriately to blood sugar.  High blood sugar levels lead to arterial deterioration and increased risk of mortality related to cardiovascular disease.
  • The coffee plant is one of the most heavily sprayed crops -- loaded with pesticides, herbicides and chemicals.  So, stick with organic whenever possible.

After doing my research on the pros and cons of drinking coffee, I have come to the following conclusion..

As with anything in life, listen to your unique body.  Are you overdoing it in terms of cups you're drinking and feeling tense and anxious?  Are you adding in too much milk, cream and/or sugar?  Are you craving food most of the time?  Try making small adjustments -- possibly drinking one less cup of coffee during the day and continue on that road until you can limit the amount of coffee you drink daily.  Limit the amount of sugar over time until you're able to drink your coffee without it.  Cut back on the cream or milk.. or try adding in a little homemade almond milk.  Just remember, as with most addictive substances, caffeine in excess is something to let go of gradually so you can rely on your body's "feel good" hormones to kick in and give you energy.  One cup'o Joe in the morning may just do the trick!