Musings During the Quarantine....


As I sit here sipping my turmeric lemon tea and writing this blog, I find myself forgetting that the world is in a state of flux, a state of uncertainty, a time where we’re wondering how and if things will get back to normal. I laugh at the term “normal”…. I’m not sure what that means and if things WERE actually normal…. people living day to day with some degree of acceptance that tomorrow and the days after would continue in a similar fashion as today. In reality, none of us are immune to what the universe has in store for us.

Maybe this is a wake up call. A calling to all of us to take a step back, press the “pause” button and reflect on those things we are grateful for. I am certainly not minimizing the devastation this virus has caused and do look forward to an end to this quarantine. I also know that it’s time for us to think about the future we want. I have been asking the same question for the past several years; that is, how much longer will our planet survive? Everywhere around me, I see an overload…. an overload of houses, stores, food, waste, cars and the list goes on and on. It appears we are gluttonous, always looking for more without thinking about the consequences. For the sake of money, we pollute many of our waters, treat our soil with pesticides and herbicides that have robbed it of the rich minerals it needs to keep our plants and trees healthy, spray our crops with toxins that have endangered not only the monarch butterflies but cause humans to be chronically ill. When will it stop? How much more damage will we cause to one another as well as our planet?

I would like to think that maybe, just maybe, we will use this time to think about what we can do to undo some of the damage. We’re all in this together. We are all here to make sure we take care of our planet so that our children and future generations can feel some kind of nurturing from mother earth — the nurturing she’s capable of when she’s not putting out so many fires. We are part of the universe — this amazing interconnectedness. We are all one. We cannot forget that. We must do our part in spreading gratitude for what mother nature has given us and make sure we do not take advantage of all the great gifts she provides.

May we all use this “pause” wisely….
