Choose Happiness Over Fear


While the media is constantly talking about the Corona virus and tensions are mounting, I like to focus on those things that make me happy. I was teaching a class this morning and many people are feeling insecure and fearful, praying they don’t fall prey to this horrific virus! While I am no doctor and am not privy to any information that you do not possess, I do not choose to live in fear. When we are fearful of something, our bodies are in a constant state of “fight or flight.” When we are in this state, our cortisol hormone is in the driver’s seat and signals to our body that we’re being attacked. That used to work when we lived during the days when sabre-toothed tigers roamed the earth and humans ran for their lives. But, today, it’s highly unlikely. Even though there are no ‘tigers’ out there, our bodies do not know the difference between ‘running from a tiger’ or ‘stressing over a virus.’ Stress is stress - and cortisol is the hormone that is being produced, letting your body know that you’re in danger. Your adrenal glands make cortisol. Constant cortisol production is not a good thing for the body.

According to Webmd, if you are under constant stress, it can derail your body’s most important functions. It can also lead to a number of health problems, including:

Okay.. so back to the Corona virus - since the gut and brain are connected (yes, your gut is your second brain!), many of our thoughts affect our gut health and, subsequently, our gut health affects our brain. Therefore, happy feelings, happy gut! Sounds simple, right? Hmm.. no, it’s only as simple as you decide it is. You can decide to stay fearful and therefore possibly cause your immune system (which lives in your gut) to weaken or you can decide to shift your thoughts to positive ones and create a healthy immune system. After all, it’s the immune system that’s going to keep you healthy.

Many things in life that seem insurmountable are only so because we tell ourselves they are. What if we tell ourselves that we are going to be okay.. that the universe is going to take care of us.. that we have everything we need.. that if we need anything else, let that present itself. And, then, we let go! Let go of the clutching to fear, anxiety and insecurity and open our hearts to good health, love and light — our birthright! Don’t stay small and contracted in fear of the unknown. Open up to shifting your thoughts to positive ones and let in all the good that is around you. Focus on positivity — not negativity. When we’re healthy, a virus will run its course and leave. We have lived through viruses throughout history and, yes, while some people have not done well, there is usually a fairly serious underlying condition.

As an Integrative Health Coach, I usually talk about food.. Yep! - those of you who know me well know that eating a healthy array of foods is my forte. But, today, I am talking about being nourished in a totally different context — thoughts, relationships, love, career, exercise. Are you making your good “endorphins?” — your happy hormones? This is what we all need to do at this point in time. So, rather than worry, set your intentions to thinking happy thoughts and moving your body. Talk to a good friend, tell your partner how much you appreciate him or her, get good sleep, drink pure water, help others in need AND keep your thoughts positive!!

I hope I have given you ‘healthy, organic food-for-thought” on this subject.

To good health and happiness,
