Going Within During The Pause....


Contrary to some I’ve talked to, I am quite enjoying this time of my life. I know there are many devastating circumstances in the world right now and I am saddened when I hear about the deaths of people from all walks of life. It seems there are no boundaries where this virus is concerned. So, while I am aware of some of the pain and suffering, I want to focus on my thoughts and actions during this time.

While I have always been drawn to the relationship between the mind and body, this time has afforded me the opportunity to go even deeper into this exploration. I was cleaning out underneath my bed the other day (yes.. that’s an additional place where I store some of my books!) and started to reorganize the books I have been accumulating the past several years. Here’s a sampling of what I discovered..


As you can see, I am definitely attracted to self-help books! Since I haven’t read ALL of these books (and there are hundreds more), I decided to use this time to start reading one book at a time. This is exciting to me! In the back of my mind, I have been wishing I could make the time to start reading some of the books I’ve purchased over the years. So, now is that time..

Besides reading, I am working out in my home gym, mostly doing Pilates on my reformer as well as Yin Yoga every day. This is definitely not something I was doing regularly prior to this time. I have been listening to Dr. Joe Dispenza (he takes me to a place I have never before journeyed to), taking many epsom salt baths using lavender essential oil, using my diffuser that is filled with Thieves essential oil, working on a 500 piece puzzle, FaceTiming with my grandchildren and children every day, taking long walks and sitting in the sun with my husband and just having that relaxed feeling of not having to do or go anywhere.

My only hope is that there is a “learning” or an “awakening” in the human consciousness that is the result of this time in history. We have never before experienced this kind of shift in the life we knew to be normal. Is this our time to think about what is normal and what our purpose is in this life? I am taking this time to go inward and be silent.. be present.. tap into where my thoughts take me and use my breath to come back to a place of calm. It feels good to get to that place of wholeness.. of oneness.. of “it’s okay to be with myself” and surrender to whatever comes up. I’m feeling really good right now.

How are you using this time? I would love to hear your thoughts.
