Healing through natural means....


Have you been sitting by your computer a lot lately? or, watching TV? or, scrolling through sites on your iphone? I know it’s hard to disconnect from our devices, especially when we’re home more. Being on our computers may be the only means of feeling connected. During these uncertain times, I’ve been realizing how important it is to get into nature…. to have time to go inward and scan my life somewhat. What do I desire right now? What do I see me doing 6 months from now? What is this point in time teaching me?

According to Dr. Zach Bush, toxins in our environment has led us to where we are today. He suggests that pollutants in the air and on the land are compromising our health and jeopardizing our future. He feels the virus is just an “innocent bystander” that takes the blame. As I listened to an interview with Zach on the Wise Traditions Podcast, I had an “aha” moment. It all made sense to me. Viruses and germs are always around us — our human DNA has always interacted with viruses. We don’t need to fear a virus. He goes on to say that the coronavirus is adapting to new chemical stressors in the environment at this time. The pathway for this virus to carry toxins into the bloodstream is not the virus’ fault — the virus is binding to air pollution and that is binding to other toxins, etc. He suggests that we don’t need to fear the virus but to realize we need to get into a cleaner environment — get into the mountains, take a hike, go to the ocean or anywhere there is nature.

This makes so much sense to me! It’s all connected. We have polluted our waters, poisoned many of our lands by the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. We are feeding our animals food they aren’t meant to eat, keeping them confined and administering antibiotics in the hopes to keep them healthy. Without clean water, without animals on farms and without fertile soil, how can our food be healthy for us? How can we thrive when we’re not getting what Mother Nature intended for us? So, not only is our external environment more polluted, our internal environment is as well. Given the level of toxins in and around us, any virus can enter us through this medium.

This knowledge makes me realize that we all need to be more proactive. Instead of using antibacterial products constantly, let’s interact with the earth — plant some flowers.. some vegetables.. or just get your hands into the soil. We are part of nature and it is in our biology to connect to the earth. We need a healthy biome and wiping away germs is not going to give us that. Get out and take a walk in nature. I have always felt that Mother Nature gives us messages when we’ve messed up. In my opinion, she is shouting at us. As someone who is always positive and hopeful, we need to pay attention and take action to save our planet.

What will you do today?