What Turns You On?

I thought I would get your attention by the title of this article - HA! Actually, I’m here to affirm that we all need something to light up our lives, to ignite our passions, to enhance our purpose in this life.

So, again, “What turns you on?” What desires do you possess that add meaning to your life. I’ll speak a little about mine. I have become interested in quantum physics, quantum mechanics and sunlight and how we, as part of the whole, or part of the universe, are all connected. I have delved deeply into understanding life on a quantum scale and I have to admit, it’s been somewhat challenging but ultimately very exciting and uplifting. I have learned about sunlight and how it plays our DNA like a magical symphony. I learned that the sun’s spectrum (roy g biv).. RED, ORANGE, YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, INDIGO, VIOLET is so important for our circadian rhythm or biological clock and instructs our body to activate various hormones, etc. The morning sun (actually at sunrise) sets our internal clock, informing our bodies when to make cortisol, dopamine, melatonin, etc. If you don’t see the sunrise, just go outside and face east - even if there’s a building in front of you or a mountain. You will still get the benefit of the red and slightly blue light coming from the sun. My mantra is “Sunrise, Sunshine, Sunset, Repeat.” If you have sleep issues, the sun is your best “sleeping pill.”

While my education has been mostly focused on nutrition and how what we eat becomes who we are, I now realize that there is so much more than food. I will never say that we shouldn’t care about what goes into our bodies.. just the opposite. We would all benefit from making good choices about what we eat. Once I realized how the body works (at least MY body), I realize what will affect my energy level, my mood, my cravings, etc.

I have always professed that our bodies know how to protect us and how to heal. We were given this amazing gift — a gift we need to tune into and listen to what it is telling us. Do you give into having a piece of cake or a cookie, or some ice cream when you have the craving? Do you stop to think that you may not really be hungry? Do you think about what you can do instead of running to the refrigerator to satisfy that urge for something sweet? Have you set up your body to be dependent on glucose? Think about how many foods you consume that are telling your body to burn glucose. What if you switched that around to burning fat — a much better way to feel more energized. What if I told you that you can produce 4x more energy burning fat than burning glucose. Hmm.. what would that do for your pickle ball game? or help you to hike up the mountain?

One of my missions in this lifetime is to plant seeds. Everything starts with a seed — or a thought — and then we either water it, nurture it, study it, and eventually incorporate it into our lives. Or, we just ignore it.. which is a choice we all have.

What will you choose? Empowering yourself to be in control of the choices you make to keep yourself healthy going forward? Our thoughts are powerful! Trust your body enough to listen to it when it’s signaling something isn’t right. Trust in your intuition to figure it out and change it.

In sunshine,
