Indulgences After 60....


While there are many indulgences in life that do not require spending money, there are times when it feels good to treat yourself to something where there is an exchange of money. After all, it’s all about energy…. the energy of giving money to pay for something that you desire.. something that makes you feel happy. The giving and receiving of money is an important aspect of living a life of abundance.

When I began my Health Coaching practice, I felt extremely uncomfortable asking for money from clients. When clients would hand me money, I did not like taking it. When I started learning about money as an energetic exchange of giving and receiving, I became much more comfortable around it. After all, if you want something, you must invest in getting it. I realized that my clients were investing in their health…. investing in the knowledge that they would feel better and be able to function in a healthier way when they made the commitment to put their money into their health. I was providing a very profound service and that service depended on a financial investment on the part of the client. With the money I received, I was then able to help more people who could not afford my services, thereby creating more health throughout the world.

I was raised in an environment where money was scarce and there was a great deal of insecurity and stress around it. My parents did the best they could do with buying us the necessities, but when it came to indulging us with the non-essentials, they made the decision to keep that at a minimum. To be honest, I never felt deprived or that I didn’t have ‘enough.’ I guess they managed to get me most everything I wanted. What they also managed to do was set me up for living a life of ‘scarcity’ going forward.

Like my parents, I found myself stressed around money — how would I pay the bills, how would I get my credit card debt down, how would I be able to get our girls all the things they desired, etc. I remember the verbal fights with my girls about clothes when they were teenagers. That’s the time when designer jeans were big and, consequently, expensive. Of course, they wanted these jeans and I felt I couldn’t afford them. Granted.. there needs to be boundaries set for sure. But, I couldn’t even get to the boundaries part because I was too stressed about my finances. What I didn’t realize at the time was that I was living in ‘scarcity’ and not ‘abundance.’ These are deep seated ways of living that we pick up from a young age. Until I was old enough and knowledgeable enough to realize how I was living my life was I able to create the life I wanted to live. Subtle shifts in the way I thought made all the difference in the world. Feelings of abundance would have relieved some of the stress. I liken this to our physical structure. When we are contracted, we are stressing our bodies. When we expand and release the tightness in our bodies, we open up and feel calmer. When we’re calmer, we make better decisions and life seems to flow more effortlessly.

So, as the title suggests, I now totally “indulge” myself with anything I desire. Do I go and buy things without much thought? No! If I desire something, I imagine having it and all the feelings that go along with that. I see it in my mind, I am emotionally interacting with it, and I ultimately know I will purchase it in due time. Then I set goals to bring what I desire into my life. It works every time!! I guess it’s somewhat like the ‘law of attraction.’ Where thoughts go, prana flows.

As I’m nearing the end of my 60’s, I feel incredible. I feel there are many, many things I want and want to do in my life. I have big dreams and I know the ones that are most important to me will come to fruition. I know it as I know my own name. Some people might think this is ‘woo-woo’ but, until you make a shift in your mind, you will continue with the same patterns you started out with. Realization and creating a new way of thinking is powerful. I dare you to try it!

