Who Do You Listen To For Answers?

I have made many changes over the past 15 or so years and am grateful to have done so. While staying stagnant was never my mojo, making changes based on a new diet I heard about, a new exercise I read about, a new supplement someone told me about is not something I subscribe to anymore. Back in the day, I did explore many different health claims — and that has led me to where I am today.. happy to listen to MY body.

There was a time in my education when I was learning so much about various super foods, new ways to meditate, creative ideas about mindset, etc., and took many of them to heart. I explored various health claims and found that I had many of the answers already. We all have a voice inside — an inner wisdom — that speaks to us when we’re willing to listen. I call this intuition.

For instance, today, before I hiked up a mountain, I ate a big breakfast. It was not even 9:00am and the ‘old’ me would never have done that. I would not have eaten until about 1:00pm because I needed to do an intermittent fast. Why? Because I know it’s probably a good thing to do. But, even a good thing done for the wrong reason can become something that doesn’t serve us. While I believe we would all do well to fast from time to time, for me doing a daily intermittent fast is not what I feel is the best thing for my body. I now listen to that inner voice that guides me to make the choices I make.

Rigidity and restrictive behavior can ultimately work against us. Do you find you have anxiety around changing a habit you think is a healthy one? I was very rigid with the things I did to promote what I deemed “optimal health.” I know that being rigid can work against us. I guess at this stage of my life, I have learned to tap into my ‘feminine’ a little more and become easier on myself — allowing myself to enjoy the pleasure of eating when my body is hungry and not when the clock tells me to eat.

No one has the answers.. with the tens of thousands of books written on the best diet, the best foods, the best health outcomes, as well as the internet, only you have the answers to give your body what it wants.

Having said all of this, I do not eat processed foods and have little desire for sugary sweets. But, if the craving hits me, I will eat my dessert and enjoy every last bite! I just make sure I prepare the dessert using unrefined sugar (honey, maple syrup, date or maple sugar) or know the ingredients of a sweet I may purchase from the store.

Freedom! Freedom from the restrictions I placed on myself for years. Freedom to enjoy those things I love when I desire them. Freedom to listen to my body and not the voice of others who do not know me.

Thank you for reading this blog and I hope I inspired you to go within to find the answers.

To our health,
